About Me
Welcome! My name is Ben and I am a 23 year old Autistic from the UK. I love Marvel (MCU) and gaming on PC and PS5. I was diagnosed as Autistic in 2017 when I was 17 and recently identified as ADHD.
I created the Facebook page, Autisticality, in April 2022 as a way to educate others on Autistic experience from what I have learnt myself from other amazing Autistic educators and advocates, as well as giving people insight into the mind and heart of a young Autistic person.
My goal with Autisticality is to change perceptions on what it means to be Autistic and, hopefully, change society's treatment on neurodivergent people so that we can be accommodated for, understood and finally listened to.

Below is a 34 minute video that talks about my journey into adulthood as an Autistic person - a video I made and presented at the Haringey Autistic Conference 2023, utilising text to speech technology to voice my words for me.